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Voice Control, IFTTT, Google Assistant & Amazon Alexa

You can voice control your WeBeHome system using Google Assistand and Amazon Alexa!

Introduction to Voice Control and IFTTT
Register an account at IFTTT
Use Google Assistant to control a Copenhagen Blind
Use Amazon Alexa to start a Scenario
Example of a Scenario Action Set to enable the alarm away mode with a delay
Reconnect or Remove IFTTT integration

Introduction to Voice Control and IFTTT

IFTTT is a free service to get things work together. It can make WeBeHome and Copenhagen Blinds work together with Google Home and Alexa so you can voice control your home.

IFTTT stands for IF This Then That. You select the This and That.

For example: IF "you say Movie time to Google Home" THEN "start WeBeHome scenario Movie time"

This is called an Applet. You can define as many Applets as you want.

This tutorial focusses on how to voice control your WeBeHome system. Using all the integrations in IFTTT, you can make a lot more good and fun things you can do.

The IFTTT integration requires that the location has a Basic, Premium or Copenhagen Blinds subscription.

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Example of useful things that can be done with voice control:

Register an account at IFTTT

Start with register an account in IFTTT. Google, Apple and Facebook accounts can be used to login or you can create a login with a e-mail and password. Open a web browser to and register. We recommend to use Google Chrome or Safari since we have seen some issues on Microsoft browsers.

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Use Google Assistant to control a Copenhagen Blind

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NOTE: Google Assistant tries to identify devices that are added to Google. If you defined a phrase like "Kitchen blind down" Google will try to find a blind that is named Kitchen blind in Googles system. Therefore it is good to start the phrase with Trigger or have a phrase that don't include any device. For example "Trigger Kitchen Blind Down" or "Movie time".

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Use Amazon Alexa to start a Scenario

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Example of a Scenario Action Set to enable the alarm away mode with a delay

This is possible for those locations that have a subscriptions that includes alarm functions like arm away, arm home and disarm modes.

  1. Add a Scenario Action Set and name it something like "Arm away with delay"
  2. Add an Action "Send command to alarm … " and change the "Minutes after start" to for example 1 minute'

You can then add an Applet in IFTTT which starts this WeBeHome Scenario when you for example say "Hey Google, Arm away"

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Reconnect and Remove the IFTTT integration

If you have issues with the connection to IFTTT one solution could be to reconnect IFTTT to WeBeHome.

If you would like to remove IFTTT integration to WeBeHome this is done on the same place a Reconnection

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If you remove the IFTTT connection you should also remove the IFTTT user in WeBeHome. You first Revoke the IFTTT user permissions and then it is possible to Remove the user.